Some great tips on how to clean your your diamonds and other gemstones at home using household supplies.
Soak your precious stones in a small bowl of club soda for 15 minutes. The carbonation helps lift out dirt and grime. Dry with a soft, cotton towel.
You can also make a solution by combining one cup of water with 1/4 cup of ammonia and a tablespoon of mild dishwashing detergent. Let your jewelry soak for a few minutes, then scrub it gently with a soft toothbrush. Rinse well with a little rubbing alcohol – which helps take away the soap residue.
You can find here jewelry shops selling gemstones and jewelry of various kinds.
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3:26 am on November 10th, 2015
Hello Debra,My name is Mia Rose I am a student and I coleclt crystals and minerals. I love them so much and individuality each one possess. I often pray or meditate with my crystals and I also soak my crystals during a full moon. Thank you so much for this website; it gave me a wonderful insight. I am situated on the Gold Coast and I was wondering if you knew any good crystal shops or outlets, where I could purchase some crystals or minerals.Thank you, Mia Rose.P.S The email is currently down, so could we communicate with this web page.