Sleeping on a waterbed has been given mixed reviews by pregnancy experts. Some agree you should sleep on a regular bed during pregnancy, while others believe that a waterbed is perfectly safe for a pregnant woman. Read the rest of this entry »

Every pregnant women seems to lament the lack of comfortable sleep during pregnancy. Between the baby kicking, endless bathroom trips and sore backs, it is a wonder that you can even sleep! Read the rest of this entry »
Every pregnant woman experiences stress of some sort, whether it is financial fears or just how to assemble the crib correctly. These sorts of stress are common during pregnancy.
But some women suffer extreme stress during pregnancy. Certain situations such as domestic violence, workload, worries over being a single mother, and medical worries can cause some pregnant women to endanger themselves and their babies. Read the rest of this entry »
Domestic violence is many things. While most people invision physical violence, it can also include verbal abuse as well as sexual abuse (yes, even if he is your partner). Once you are pregnant, domestic violence can become an even larger issue. Read the rest of this entry »
Your doctor has told you that you must take your prenatal vitamin containing folic acid each and every day. But why is folic acid so important, and what exactly does it do for your unborn baby during pregnancy? Read the rest of this entry »
With the many multi-ethnic foods readily available in North America, you might not realize that an ethnic favorite might be off limits during pregnancy. While ethnic dish avoidance is usually passed on from mother to daughter, chances are your mother probably didn’t indulge in sushi if she happened to grow up surrounded by meals of a different ethnicity. Read the rest of this entry »
Many women believe that herbal teas can be soothing and relaxing during pregnancy, and herbal teas are often suggested to pregnant women who are suffering from pregnancy related nausea commonly known as “morning sickness” Read the rest of this entry »
In earlier pregnancy tests, it could only check for the presence of hCG in the morning, when hCG was more concentrated in the urine. And it was in those earlier pregnancy tests that you often had to mix vials and test tubes to determine if you were pregnant. Fortunately, times have changed. Read the rest of this entry »
When choosing a pregnancy test, they vary wildly in the levels of hCG the tests detect. And the lower the level listed on the kit, the more sensitive to the presence of hCG it is, not the other way around like many believe. Read the rest of this entry »
You hear about how pregnancy tests check for a pregnancy hormone in your urine. But have you ever wondered what exactly this hormone is, and why it is only released during pregnancy?
Regardless of what brand of home pregnancy test you take, the test checks for the presence of the hCG hormone in the women’s urine. So what is hCH? It stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, which is a glycoprotein hormone which is secreted by the placenta shortly after fertilization. Now you know why everyone just calls it the hCG hormone. Read the rest of this entry »